Take these things in the problem of vein blockage नस ब्लॉकेज’ की समस्या में इन चीज़ो का सेवन करे
Take these things in the problem of vein blockage
नस ब्लॉकेज’ की समस्या में इन चीज़ो का सेवन करे
Problems. One acute and serious problem that can occur with deep vein thrombosis is when the clot or part of the clot breaks away and travels to the lungs, causing pulmonary embolism (blockage from a clot in the lung). … Early symptoms of DVT include swelling, pain, warmth and redness in the involved leg.
Treatment Options for Blocked Veins
Your Guide to Preventing and Treating Blood Clots
These 6 symptoms could mean you have a blood clot
Steer Clear of These 9 Artery and Vein Diseases
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