Is your feet fall sleep while sitting time to panic कहीं आपके पैर भी तो सुन्न नहीं हो जाते हैं, ये
Is your feet fall asleep while sitting time to panic कहीं आपके पैर भी तो सुन्न नहीं हो जाते हैं, ये है वजह
You may also experience numbness in your foot after prolonged episodes of sitting. This sensation loss — often called “going to sleep” — occurs because the nerves that lead to the foot are compressed while you sit. A pins-and-needles feeling usually follows before circulation and sensation return to your foot.
If your feet and hand fall asleep while sitting its time to panic
Why Does My Foot Fall Asleep Sometimes?What’s Going On When Your Hands, Arms, Or Legs Fall Asleep
This is why your foot falls asleep
Numbness of Foot: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatments
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