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Farming of forest seed can give earning opportunity  जंगली बीजों की खेती करे और लाखों में कमाएं

Farming of forest seed can give earning opportunity जंगली बीजों की खेती करे और लाखों में कमाएं


Farmers can earn millions of rupees by cultivating wild seeds. Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s leadership is going to give you this opportunity. The government will prepare bio-fuels from these seeds, which will make the airplanes fly. Now to import airplanes, India imports about 30,000 crores of fuel annually. The government wants to reduce the amount of this import by around Rs 10,000 crore in the next four to five years. To offset this, Bio Jet Fuel will be built in the country.

OECD Forest Seed and Plant Scheme
Overview of Certified Seed and Farmer Saved Seed
Planning Commission, Government of India
Couple returns home to seed a successful farm
Facts on Growing and Use of Eucalyptus In Kenya
How farmers in Haryana & Punjab are earning Rs 8-10 lakh per acre
farming of forest seed can give earning opportunity

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