परवल की खेती कैसे करे pointed gourd farming business
परवल सब्जी की फसलो में आता है, इसकी खेती बहुवर्षीय की जाती हैI इसे ज्यादातर पूर्वी उत्तर प्रदेश, बिहार, पश्चिम बंगाल में उगाया जाता हैI लेकिन असम, ओडिसा, मध्य प्रदेश , महाराष्ट्रा एवं गुजरात के कुछ भागो में इसकी खेती की जाती
Trichosanthes dioica, also known as pointed gourd, is a vine plant in the Cucurbitaceae family, similar to cucumber and squash, though unlike those it is perennial. It is a dioecious vine plant with heart-shaped leaves and is grown on a trellis Pointed gourd is a popular tropical vegetable grown throughout India. This vegetable is native to Indian subcontinent This vegetable is also known as a “parwal” or “palwal” or “parmal” or “pattol” in different parts of India and Bangladesh.
Pointed Gourd Cultivation (Parwal) Guide
Planting technique of pointed gourd Odia PRAGATI Odisha
Parwal Find Wholesale Price for Parwal in India
parwal farming and trichosanthes dioica
Planting technique of pointed gourd
Pointed Gourd Potential for Temperate Climates
Pointed Gourd Vegetables,Fruits and Vegetables
Pointed Gourd farming business
how to grow parwal from seeds
7 Top health benefits of Pointed gourd/parwal
Commercial Cultivation Of Pointed Gourd Trichosanthes Dioica
Pointed gourd or parwal health benefits
Amazing benefits of Pointed Gourd Parwal that you do not know
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