अपेंडिक्स के लक्षण और घरेलू उपचार Appendix Treatment In Home Remedies
अपेंडिक्स के लक्षण और घरेलू उपचार Appendix Treatment In Home Remedies
After you’ve received treatment for the infection, you’ll undergo surgery to remove your appendix. If you have a ruptured abscess or appendix, surgery may be necessary right away. Surgery to remove the appendix is known as an appendectomy. Your doctor can perform this procedure as open surgery or through a laparoscopy In the beginning the foods you’ll get are probably going to be ice chips and then liquids (such as soda, apple juice, broth and water). If your stomach accepts liquids, then you may be allowed to diversify your food intake and eat custard, applesauce and ice cream