अजवाइन करेगा हाई ब्लड प्रेशर को कंट्रोल जाने कैसे?? Celery is amazing for blood pressure
अजवाइन करेगा हाई ब्लड प्रेशर को कंट्रोल जाने कैसे Celery is amazing for blood pressure
Celery May Help Bring Your High Blood Pressure
Celery Lowers Blood Pressure Naturally and Effectively
High blood pressure: Celery juice can lower reading
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Celery And Blood Pressure Reduction
What Are the Benefits of Celery Juice?
Celery contains a phytochemical called phthalides. As an extract, it’s called NBP, and it relaxes the tissues of the artery walls to increase blood flow and reduce blood pressure. Celery stalk salt content is low, and you also get fiber, magnesium and potassium to help regulate your blood pressure, as well.
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